
Configurei o interfaces, criei o resolv.conf, pinguei e nada!!!

As intrucoes que acompanham a minha placa de rede diz o seguinte:

"Installing Driver:
(1.) Kernel Had Supported Driver:
Check the directory " /lib/modules/¡K./net " if you could find "rtl8139.o"
Your kernel had supported RTL8139 series. You could easy use "linuxconf"
to setup your card. If you don't like linuxconf, you also could use
"modprobe rtl8139" and "ifconfig up eth0" to load module.
If your driver load properly, your "/etc/conf.modules" should include
line of "alias eth0 rtl8139"."

Nao encontrei o arquivo /etc/conf.modules. Existe o /etc/modules, o /etc/modules.conf e o /etc/modules.conf.old

O /etc/modules.conf possui um aviso em letras garrafais: nao modifique este arquivo!!!

"Adjust Speed:
(1.) Adjusting speed:
Driver is designed with the gold that no options should be needed in most
environment. However not all cards and networks can be automatically
configured,thus allow operational parameters to be modify when they are
loaded as module. Typically the following variables may be set:
insmod rtl8139 options=0x40
Hex Decimal Meaning
0x10 16 ¡K..Force Full-Duplex operation (must be used with 0x20 or 0x40)
0x20 32 ¡K..Force 100mbps-only operation
0x40 64 ¡K..Force 10mbps-only

If loading as a module and configured /etc/conf.modules

alias eth0 rtl8139
options options=0x40"

Esta segunda parte eh necessaria?




  Giuliano Cardozo Medalha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

Crie o /etc/resolv.conf assim:

nameserver IP do DNS 1
nameserver IP do DNS 2

Ate mais


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