Please do not hesitate to contact: MF Congres (WIN Symposiumorganizer): or WIN (Worldwide InnovativeNetworking): www.winconsortium.orgDr. Vladimir Lazar - Chief Operating Catherine Bresson - Director of OperationalTeam To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, please contact:newsletterWINGo to to register and to download theprogram.The 3rd WIN Symposium in personalized cancer medicine= [6th-8th July,Palais des Congrès de Paris - France] will launch anunprecedented = format where pharma, biotech, academia and patientorganizations will be g= iving their views on how to address thechallenges of increasing the efficacy of cancer d= iagnostics andtherapeutics in the era of personalized cancer medicine, to the benef=it of the patient. The scientific program is of exceptional qualityand ! is endorsed by = ASCO, EORTC, ESMO and OECI. This is an uniqueopportunity to make an impact on cancer across the globe The 3rd WINSymposium starts in 2 weeks!Don’t miss out! Register online at