Ok, navré de vous faire perdre votre temps. J'en profite pour baptiser
le RTFCL :

Read The Fucking CangeLog.

Désolé, merci.

Le mar 30/03/2004 à 21:14, Raphaël "SurcouF" Bordet a écrit :
> Le mar, 30/03/2004 à 17:48 +0200, mammique a écrit :
> > $ grep X11 /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> > X11Forwarding yes
> > X11DisplayOffset 10
> Voir le changelog de ssh, 
> $ zless /usr/share/doc/ssh/README.Debian.gz
> [...]
> OpenSSH 3.8 invented ForwardX11Trusted, which when set to no causes the
> ssh client to create an untrusted X cookie so that attacks on the
> forwarded X11 connection can't become attacks on X clients on the remote
> machine. However, this has some problems in implementation - notably a
> very short timeout of the untrusted cookie - breaks large numbers of
> existing setups, and generally seems immature. The Debian package
> therefore sets the default for this option to "no" (in ssh itself,
> rather than in ssh_config).
> [...]
> cf. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=237021...
> -- 
> Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet
mammique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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