Désolé de re-poster pour un problème non résolu :
Si je lance sane-find-scanner, il détecte correctement mon scanner USB
[un Canon N 1220 U) , mais si je lance xsane ,j'ai la réponse suivante :
Aucun périphérique disponible.
J'ai cherché sur les archives de la liste et je n'ai rien trouvé ...
bien que l'on m'ait dit que j'y trouverais des réponses
Et je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça ne marche pas ....
Si j'ai bien saisi, il y a deux fichiers à modifier
/etc/sane.d/dll.conf et /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf [Mon scanner est en
fait - à cause de la puce - reconnu comme unplustek]
Je joins ces deux fichiers , pour que les éventuels "secouristes" , plus
au fait de ces choses, me donnent leur avis.
# enable the next line if you want to allow access through the network:
# The following backends are not part of the SANE distribution
# but are provided by the libsane-extras Debian package
# The HP OfficeJet backend is not part of the SANE distribution
# but is provided by the hpoj Debian package
# Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file
# For use with Plustek parallel-port scanners and
# LM9831/2/3 based USB scanners
# For parport devices use the parport section
#device /dev/pt_drv
# leave the default values as specified in /etc/modules.conf
option warmup -1
option lOffOnEnd -1
option lampOff -1
# The USB section:
# each device needs at least two lines:
# - [usb] vendor-ID and product-ID
# - device devicename
# i.e. for Plustek (0x07B3) UT12/16/24 (0x0017)
# [usb] 0x07B3 0x0017
# device /dev/usbscanner
# or
# device libusb:bbb:ddd
# where bbb is the busnumber and ddd the device number
# make sure that your user has access to /proc/bus/usb/bbb/ddd
# additionally you can specify some options
# warmup, lOffOnEnd, lampOff
# For autodetection use
# [usb]
# device /dev/usbscanner
# or simply
# [usb]
# or if you want a specific device but you have no idea about
# the device node or you use libusb, simply set vendor- and product-ID
# [usb] 0x07B3 0x0017
# device auto
# NOTE: autodetection is safe, as it uses the info it got
# from the USB subsystem. If you're not using the
# autodetection, you MUST have attached that device
# at your USB-port, that you have specified...
[USB] 0x04A9 0x2207
device /dev/usb/scanner0
# options for the previous USB entry
# switch lamp off after xxx secs, 0 disables the feature
option lampOff 300
# warmup period in seconds, 0 means no warmup
option warmup 15
# 0 means leave lamp-status untouched, not 0 means switch off
# on sane_close
option lOffOnEnd 1
# options to tweak the image start-position
# (WARNING: there's no internal range check!!!)
# for the normal scan area
option posOffX 0
option posOffY 0
# for transparencies
option tpaOffX 0
option tpaOffY 0
# for negatives
option negOffX 0
option negOffY 0
# for setting the calibration strip position
# (WARNING: there's no internal range check!!!)
# -1 means use built in
option posShadingY -1
option tpaShadingY -1
option negShadingY -1
# to invert the negatives, 0 disables the feature
option invertNegatives 0
# for skipping whole calibration step
option skipCalibration 0
# for skipping entire fine calibration step
# coarse calibration is done
option skipFine 0
# discard the result of the fine white calibration
option skipFineWhite 0
# for replacing the gain values found during
# calibration
option red_gain -1
option green_gain -1
option blue_gain -1
# for adjusting the default gamma values
option redGamma 1.0
option greenGamma 1.0
option blueGamma 1.0
option grayGamma 1.0
# to enable TPA (non Plustek devices only)
# 0 means default behaviour as specified in the internal tables
# 1 means enable
option enableTPA 0
# and of course the device-name
# device /dev/usbscanner
device auto
# to define a new device, start with a new section:
# [USB] or [PARPORT]