Bonjour a tous,

        j'essaye d'installer un systeme de quota sur un serveur Woody,
        cependant j'ai ce probleme:
§ /etc/init.d/quota start
Checking quotas...
Cannot get exact used space... Results might be inaccurate.
quotacheck: Cannot remount filesystem mounted on /home read-only so
counted values might not be right.Please stop all programs writing to 
filesystem or use -m flag to force
Turning on quotas.
quotaon: using /home/quota.user on /dev/sda5 [/home]: Invalid argument
quotaon: Maybe create new quota files with quotacheck(8)?

Voici mes fichiers:


/dev/sda5       /home           ext3    rw,usrquota  0       2
/dev/sda6       /home/httpd     ext3    rw           0       2


/dev/sda5 /home ext3 rw,usrquota 0 0

§ ls -al /home | grep user
-rw-------    1 root     root         9216 Oct 31 10:55 aquota.user
-rw-------    1 root     root            0 Oct 31 10:55 quota.user
Le quota est activé dans le noyau (2.4.18)
§ repquota -a
*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sda5
Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
                        Block limits                File limits
User            used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace
root      --   44692       0       0             72     0     0

C'est quoi que j'ai oublié?????

Dominique Arpin_______________________[   espace
gestionnaire réseau                     courbe    ]

                                          téléphone    514.933.9861
                                          télécopieur  514.933.9546

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