> >On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, christo courrier wrote: > >> bonjour , >> pardon pour mon ignorance mais que signifient les options -q et -y dans >> apt-get , merci
il faut lui apprendre à pêcher le poisson et pas lui pêcher à chaque fois qu'il veut manger. il faut faire un 'man apt-get' > -q > --quiet > Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting >progress indicators. More q's will pro- > duce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use -q=# >to set the quiet level, overriding > the configuration file. Note that quiet level 2 implies - >y, you should never use -qq without a > no-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT >may decided to do something you did > not expect. Configuration Item: quiet. > > > -y > --yes > --assume-yes > Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all >prompts and run non-interactively. If > an undesirable situation, such as changing a held >package or removing an essential package > occurs then apt-get will abort. Configuration Item: >APT::Get::Assume-Yes.