Nicolas Massé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Comment peut-on configurer un serveur imap (ici imapd), car je voudrais que
> les client n'aient accès qu'à ~/mail or ils ont accès à ~/ (les documents
> des utlisateurs se trouvent dans ~/documents/) ?
> En clair, comment dire au serveur de démarrer dans ~/mail et pas dans ~/ ?

cf. la doc de imapd (docs/imaprc.txt) :

32) set mail-subdirectory <subdirectory name>
   Change the default connected directory from the user's home directory
   to the named subdirectory of the user's home directory.  For example,
   setting MAILSUBDIR="mail" will cause the POP2 and IMAP servers to
   connect to the user's ~/mail subdirectory.  This is equivalent to
   the env_unix.c edit described in Example 2 of the CONFIG file.

   Note that if the subdirectory does not exist, the result is undefined.
   It is probably an extremely bad idea to set this unless you can
   guarantee that the subdirectory exists for all users.  If you can not
   guarantee this, then you should leave the default as the user's home
   directory and allow them to configure a personal default in their IMAP

   The default is not to use any subdirectory.

Cette option est à mettre dans /etc/ si tu veux que tous
les clients utilisent cette option.


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