On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 15:51:14 +0200
Eric Lemoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dans la lignée, j'ai constaté que masqmail n'était plus dans la
> woody (mais dans sid). D'où cela vient-il ? Trop buggé ?

Des pistes pour trouver les réponses ?



et la lecture de debian-devel apparemment...

petit grep dans mes archives perso (visiblement les gens

grep -i masqmail *

413:because I don't understand why masqmail has to go:
413:masqmail (- to 0.1.16-2)
413:masqmail depends on:
413:None of these packages have RC bugs. masqmail itself just has two
413:If there is any problem with masqmail itself, I'll let the
upstream 413:> >     kvdr               masqmail                xtell
413:> because I don't understand why masqmail has to go:
413:> masqmail (- to 0.1.16-2)
413:> None of these packages have RC bugs. masqmail itself just has
two 414:> > >     kvdr               masqmail                xtell
414:> > because I don't understand why masqmail has to go:
414:> > masqmail (- to 0.1.16-2)
414:> > None of these packages have RC bugs. masqmail itself just has
two 414:> > > None of these packages have RC bugs. masqmail itself
just has two 414:> because I don't understand why masqmail has to go:
416:> > because I don't understand why masqmail has to go:
416:Well, the last RC bug of masqmail was closed on Tue, 26 Mar

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