Bonjour, Le Fri, 08 Mar 2002 22:25:17 +0100 Manuel Segura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Hello, > Je viens de mettre en place ext3 sur woody, kernel 2.4.17 > ainsi que la gestion des quota disques > Mais la gestion des quotas ne marche pas: c'est a dire que: Vu dans la doc (voir les liens sur cette liste les jours précédents) ------ One outstanding problem is disk quotas. There are several known sources of deadlocks in the 2.4.7 quota code, and ext3 adds one more source. The quota code in the -ac kernels is very different, and once that gets merged into Linus' tree we shall continue development and testing of quota code for ext3. This is not to say that ext3+quotas crashes all over the place - but if you push the filesystem hard enough for long enough, the code will lock up and you will need to reboot to reestablish operation on the affected filesystem. We only test quota code against the -ac kernels - this is supported and works well. ------ Les patchs des -ac ont dû être intégrés dans le noyau 2.4.18. Rappel: