
A DVI to HDMI link cable worked porfectly!

Many Thanks

> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Beso <givemesug...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2008/12/9 Revolver Onslaught <revolver.onslau...@gmail.com>:
>>> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Beso <givemesug...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> 2008/12/9 Revolver Onslaught <revolver.onslau...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I recently purchased an FullHD 100Hz TV (Samsung LE40F86BDX) and a
>>>>> Nvidia GeForce9500 with HDMI output.
>>>>> This way, I can link my Linux on my TV.
>>>>> However, I cannot switch to 100Hz when the PC is linked to the TV
>>>>> (HDMI or VGA). I supposed it was a security but I was wrong : any of
>>>>> the 1080p FullHD source (Bluray, Xbox 360, etc) I use can be viewed in
>>>>> 100Hz even connected via HDMI. In the TV manual, it is wrote that it's
>>>>> the behaviour when PC is connected...
>>>> what behavior?! does the manual indicate that the 100hz mode isn't 
>>>> available
>>>> when connected to the pc output?
>>> Yes.
>> then you cannot have it work at 100hz.
>>>>> So, I deduce that my Nvidia card send a specific signal, like RVB does
>>>>> (I suppose other cards have the same behaviour). This signal is then
>>>>> "catched" by the TV and the 100Hz mode is no more available.
>>>> have you tried connectig to the dvi or a dvi-hdmi converter and then
>>>> connect it to
>>>> the tv?!
>>> Not yet. I only tried HDMI and VGA.
>> hdmi should understand the 100hz (it should send data as a normal blu-ray 
>> unit).
>>>>> Is there any way to switch off this signal with Xorg even with a patch ?
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> RO
>>>> if you're sure that the mode is supported you chould force it in your
>>>> settings (nvidia control panel or xorg.conf).
>>>> beware: if you force a mode that your tv doesn't support when
>>>> connected to the pc then you'll most likely
>>>> burn the tv and/or the videoboard.
>>> I don't think it's the right way. The TV computes the intermediates
>>> pictures in 100Hz mode. For example, when I read a DVD with my
>>> DVDplayer, the refresh rate is 50Hz (or 60) and the TV computes the
>>> pictures to render 100pic/sec.
>> well, then your tv is doubling the scan. so if you attach an hdmi
>> input from your pc at 50hz
>> you should have the same 100hz result. just attach your pc output on
>> hdmi and set it to whatever
>> your board detects (i think it should be 60hz or something similar)
>> and it should work at 100hz.
>> --
>> dott. ing. beso

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