Bonsoir à tous,

J'aide un débutant à parfaire son paquet debian et voici qu'un étrange
message survient lors de l'installation du dit paquet:

Setting up oreon (1.2.2-RC3-4) ...
Template #4 in /var/lib/dpkg/info/oreon.templates has a duplicate field
"template" with new value "oreon/root_password". Probably two templates
are not properly seperated by a lone newline.

Or, je ne vois pourtant aucun doublon d'un champ "template" ni deux
templates non séparés par une ligne comme vous pouvez le voir avec le
fichier attaché.

Si quelqu'un a déjà eu ce type de problème, peut-il m'expliquer à quoi
est-ce dû ? 

Merci d'avance,

Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet | surcouf at debianfr dot net

Template: oreon/no_automagic
Type: note
_Description: After Oreon install, go to the URL: http://localhost/oreon
 Report bugs at [EMAIL PROTECTED], contact : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Template: oreon/mysql_server
Type: string
Default: localhost
_Description: MySQL server host name
 Please enter the name of the machine hosting the oreon database.

Template: oreon/database
Type: string
Default: oreon
_Description: Database name for oreon
 Please enter the oreon database name. Oreon will store and fetch data there.

Template: oreon/root_mysql
Type: string
Default: root
_Description: MySQL administrator username
 Please enter the MySQL administrator name (needed for oreon database
Template: oreon/root_password
Type: password
_Description: MySQL administrator password
 Enter "none" if there is no password for MySQL administration.

Template: oreon/username
Type: string
Default: oreon
_Description: Oreon database username
 Please enter the name which will be used for connecting to the oreon database.
Template: oreon/password
Type: password
Default: oreon
_Description: Oreon user password
 Please enter a password for the Oreon database user (default is "oreon").
Template: oreon/purge_db
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Do you want to purge the database when purging the package?
 Accept here if you want to drop the database and the corresponding user
  when purging the package.
Template: oreon/webserver
Type: select
_Choices: Apache, Apache-SSL, Apache2, All, None
Default: Apache2
_Description: Webserver type
 Which kind of web server should be used by oreon?
 Select "None" if you would like to configure your webserver by hand.

Template: oreon/confirm
Type: password
_Description: MySQL administrator password confirmation
 Please confirm the password for the MySQL administrator.
Template: oreon/mismatch
Type: note
_Description: Error
 The password and its confirmation do not match. Please re-enter
 the password!

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