Hello everyone, Before Wheezy release we could find a web site, which contained notices about update as many packages as possible to use security hardening build flags via 'dpkg-buildflags'. Also, there could be found a note about packages that should have build flags enabled before the Wheezy release. It was called 'ReleaseGoals' [1].
I would like to ask how many of mentioned security features are available in Wheezy or where can I found some informations about this? I hope, that Developers managed to use hardening flags for many packages etc. The reason why I'm asking is pretty simple - I think about upgrade Squeeze to Wheezy but simultaneously I would like to know something more about security features in a new release. Best regards and all the best in 2014 year! ____________ [1] https://wiki.debian.org/ReleaseGoals/SecurityHardeningBuildFlags