On lun., 2012-03-26 at 10:29 -0500, David Ehle wrote:
> Hello,
> A bit of googling doesn't seem to produce much in the way of results on 
> this topic so I thought I would seek out opinions on the list.
> Please let me know if I'm making any false assumptions or showing a 
> mis-understanding of the issue:
> DKMS is becoming the "preferred" way to do things that require 
> building/rebuilding modules that don't come packaged with your current 
> kernel.
> DKMS requires compiler/build tools to be installed on the system to do its 
> thing.

Wrong, afaict there's a mode where you build for other machines.
> Isn't having compilers/build tools considered a security "no no" if 
> possible to avoid?

Everyone's free to do what she wants.
> Is this limiting the use of DKMS?
> How are you balancing the convenience (now sometimes "need") of DKMS vs 
> the risk of having compliers on servers?

Answered above.
> If your saying "no," how are you getting the modules onto your secure 
> systems?
> If this is a "solved issue" could you direct me to good documentatin?

dkms(8) looks like a good starting point.


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