Hello Debian World, I have a small problem with Debian NIS authentication. Mainly, I have NIS server running on a Mandriva Linux machine and I want to configure a Debian machine to be a client for this NIS server.
The Debian client receives the 'passwd' table correctly and I am able to check it with the 'ypcat' command. However, users can not login with their passwords at all (I made sure that I have the correct +:::: records added to the end of /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group). Tracking down the problem, I tried to create a user on the Debian machine and its /etc/shadow record to the NIS server. The user was able to login correctly. I believe there are two problem with this mixing: 1 - Debian password hashing/shadowing algorithm is different from the one used by the NIS server on the old Mandriva server. 2 - The normal user UID range for Debian is >= 1000, where the old Mandriva server uses >= 500. Unfortunately, I need to find a work around to adjust Debian password coding and acceptable normal user UID range so that it can work with the old Mandriva Server as I am not allowed to proceed with server OS replacement at the current time. I highly appreciate your support and suggestions. -Bichoy