On 24/08/11 12:45, Andrea Zwirner wrote:
> 2011/8/24 Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clo...@igalia.com>
>> On 24/08/11 08:53, Dirk Hartmann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> it is possible to dos a actual squeeze-apache2 with easy to forge
>>> rage-requests:
>> http://lists.grok.org.uk/pipermail/full-disclosure/2011-August/082299.html
>>> Apache-devs are working on a solution:
>>> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/apache/dev/401638
>>> But because the situation seems serious I thought I give you a heads up.
>>> Running this script against a squeeze machine with 8 Cores and 24GB Ram
>> you
>>> only need 200 threads to kick it out of memory.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dirk
>> You can use the following redirect as a temporally workaround:
>> # a2enmod rewrite
>> RewriteEngine On
>> RewriteCond %{HTTP:Range} bytes=0-.* [NC]
>> RewriteRule .? http://%{SERVER_NAME}/ [R=302,L]
> I'm not an Apache expert, could you please explain in broad terms what does
> the workaround does?

It searches case insensitive (NC=nocase) in the http request for a
header of type range like the one used in the exploit:

Range: bytes=0-*

And if the http request matchs the condition then it redirects the user
to the mainpage of your server using a temporally redirect (R=302). Also
it stops processing more rules at this point (L=last).

I tested it thoroughly and it stops the attack meanwhile it don't
affects normal behaviour of the server, resuming downloads continue to
work as expected.


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