
two vulnerabilities have been found in the zope ZEO network protocol.
CVEs do exist and already are in the debian security tracker:

upstream released fixed versions of all affected zope packages:

i now prepared fixed zope2.10 packages for stable-security as well.

the packages where build in a clean and up-to-date debian/lenny pbuilder
environment, with -sa option given to dpkg-buildpackage, and all other
rules from developers-reference section applied.

i made the packages available publically because patches and fixed
versions where already published on a lot of other places. you can find
the packages at http://people.debian.org/~mejo/zope/stable-security/

please review the packages and tell me whether it's ok to upload them to
stable-security. debdiff is attached as well.


ps: packages with new (fixed) upstream versions are ready for upload to
    unstable as well, i just wait for comments on pkg-zope-developers
    due to a rather intrusive fix for another serious bug:
diff -u zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/changelog zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/changelog
--- zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/changelog
+++ zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+zope2.10 (2.10.6-1+lenny1) stable-security; urgency=high
+  * Fix two vulnerabilities in the ZODB ZEO network protocol (closes: #540464)
+    - CVE-2009-0668 Arbitrary Python code execution in ZODB ZEO storage servers
+    - CVE-2009-0669 Authentication bypass in ZODB ZEO storage servers
+ -- Jonas Meurer <m...@debian.org>  Mon, 10 Aug 2009 00:50:31 +0200
 zope2.10 (2.10.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
diff -u zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/patches/00list 
--- zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/patches/00list
+++ zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/patches/00list
@@ -2,0 +3 @@
only in patch2:
--- zope2.10-2.10.6.orig/debian/patches/zeo-vulerabilities.dpatch
+++ zope2.10-2.10.6/debian/patches/zeo-vulerabilities.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## DP: Fix two vulnerabilites in ZEO network protocol:
+## CVE-2009-0668 Arbitrary Python code execution in ZODB ZEO storage servers
+## CVE-2009-0669 Authentication bypass in ZODB ZEO storage servers
+. $(dirname $0)/DPATCH
+--- zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/StorageServer.py
++++ zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/StorageServer.py
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+         for func in self.extensions:
+             self._extensions[func.func_name] = None
+-    def finish_auth(self, authenticated):
++    def _finish_auth(self, authenticated):
+         if not self.auth_realm:
+             return 1
+         self.authenticated = authenticated
+@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@
+     def new_oids(self, n=100):
+         """Return a sequence of n new oids, where n defaults to 100"""
++        n = min(n, 100)
+         if self.read_only:
+             raise ReadOnlyError()
+         if n <= 0:
+--- zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/auth/auth_digest.py
++++ zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/auth/auth_digest.py
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
+         check = hexdigest("%s:%s" % (h_up, challenge))
+         if check == response:
+             self.connection.setSessionKey(session_key(h_up, self._key_nonce))
+-        return self.finish_auth(check == response)
++        return self._finish_auth(check == response)
+     extensions = [auth_get_challenge, auth_response]
+--- zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/tests/auth_plaintext.py
++++ zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/tests/auth_plaintext.py
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+             self.connection.setSessionKey(session_key(username,
+                                                       self.database.realm,
+                                                       password))
+-        return self.finish_auth(dbpw == password_dig)
++        return self._finish_auth(dbpw == password_dig)
+ class PlaintextClient(Client):
+     extensions = ["auth"]
+--- zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/connection.py
++++ zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/connection.py
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ import ThreadedAsync
+ from ZEO.zrpc import smac
+ from ZEO.zrpc.error import ZRPCError, DisconnectedError
+-from ZEO.zrpc.marshal import Marshaller
++from ZEO.zrpc.marshal import Marshaller, ServerMarshaller
+ from ZEO.zrpc.trigger import trigger
+ from ZEO.zrpc.log import short_repr, log
+ from ZODB.loglevels import BLATHER, TRACE
+@@ -834,6 +834,7 @@
+     def __init__(self, sock, addr, obj, mgr):
+         self.mgr = mgr
+         self.__super_init(sock, addr, obj, 'S')
++        self.marshal = ServerMarshaller()
+         self.obj.notifyConnected(self)
+     def handshake(self):
+--- zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/marshal.py
++++ zope2.10-2.10.6/z/lib/python/ZEO/zrpc/marshal.py
+@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@
+                 level=logging.ERROR)
+             raise
++class ServerMarshaller(Marshaller):
++    def decode(self, msg):
++        """Decodes msg and returns its parts"""
++        unpickler = cPickle.Unpickler(StringIO(msg))
++        unpickler.find_global = server_find_global
++        try:
++            return unpickler.load() # msgid, flags, name, args
++        except:
++            log("can't decode message: %s" % short_repr(msg),
++                level=logging.ERROR)
++            raise
+ _globals = globals()
+ _silly = ('__doc__',)
+@@ -77,3 +91,19 @@
+         return r
+     raise ZRPCError("Unsafe global: %s.%s" % (module, name))
++def server_find_global(module, name):
++    """Helper for message unpickler"""
++    try:
++        if module != 'ZopeUndo.Prefix':
++            raise ImportError
++        m = __import__(module, _globals, _globals, _silly)
++    except ImportError, msg:
++        raise ZRPCError("import error %s: %s" % (module, msg))
++    try:
++        r = getattr(m, name)
++    except AttributeError:
++        raise ZRPCError("module %s has no global %s" % (module, name))
++    return r

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