Hi all!

        As I see, there ia a lot of issues regarding spam, so I'd like to add
something from me:)
        Because my email was used on many discussion lists, I was receiving
sometimes over 100 spam emails per day. A long time ago I've started
fighting with them using many different methods. Currently I'm using two
methods which are reducing spam to 1-2 per day: spamassassin and sender
>From my expirience, most of spam was send from non-existing, or
ISP-blocked emails, so sender verification has decreased spam radically.

In mean time, I've found additional way for spam filtering, but it
requires some development. The basic idea is simple and already in use:
We are allowing all emails from whitelits.
For unknown sender, automated confirmation request is send. If
confirmation comes, receiver can decide to put new sender on white or
black list (by reply with prepared subject and token).
This method has one hole: spamer can use any address from whitelist. To
avoid this, the white list should contain list of allowed SMTP servers
(source IP addresses) for every email.

I'm planning to develop this feauture, but It will be nice to hear from 
what you thing about this idea.

best regards

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