Greg Folkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This Vulnerability is ancient news, and it is not really a
> Vulnerability.

It's one instance of a more general set of vulnerabilities which stem
from the lack of control plane separation.

> What happens if the route goes dead? Same effect.

Not quite.  ISPs hope that link failures are not correlated (to some
extend, they bet their business on it).  If you can bring down links
with deliberate attacks, there is a correlation, and the ISP typically
suffers far more than from random link failures.

> Overloading a router with too many MAC addresses(overflow) has a similar
> effect,

But this doesn't happen on a properly configured core router.  It's an
issue closer to the edge, not in the core.

> I don't quite understand this. Poisoning BGP would be more effective.

It's not that easy. 8-)  It's being done, mostly to cover up all kinds
of net abuse, but not an extremely large scale.

Current mail filters: many dial-up/DSL/cable modem hosts, and the
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