Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:

> On Thursday 25 March 2004 10.12, Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
>> [...] decided to buy certificate from
>> versign [...]
> [ok, this goes offtopic.sorry.]
> You sure about that? Verisign is the company who break DNS (yes, the world
> wide DNS. Not just their servers. Well, it *was* their servers, but that's
> exactly the problem) in some respect to increase their profit (search some
> tech news site for wildcard dns record), were forced to undo that, and
> announced they would do it again in the near future. Verisign is the
> company who sold a certificate for to some joe random - so I
> guess somebody might do the same for your site.. Verisign is the company
> who routinely spams people who try to change their domain name
> registration to a different provider, or who have done so in the past.
> [I think their 'separating out' the registry business and all this is a
> technicality. It's still the same].
> No, I won't name any other company here, and I'm not afiliated to any
> company selling certificates.
well I didn't know that, but after seeing how much they're charging (900$ a
year) we decided not to buy. I've checked the wildcard in the server name
and it seem to work on win2k and above, so I guess I'll stick to that.

> cheers
> -- vbi


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