There is a \begin{sarcasm} nice \end{sarcasm} article in linuxworld Australia (see;1607539824;fp;2;fpid;1) which, among other things, claims that "Debian (Debian GNU/Linux) has left vulnerabilities there and didn't release any patches for them". While I can be sympathetic with Symantec people, who need to sell anti-virus software for a living and hence need to prove its sore need for whatever OS one may run, if I were in the Debian Security Team I would definitely be pissed off by something like this, and would release a harsh statement, based on hard facts, to counter this FUD.
whaddyathink? bye Giacomo -- _________________________________________________________________ Giacomo Mulas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _________________________________________________________________ OSSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO DI CAGLIARI Str. 54, Loc. Poggio dei Pini * 09012 Capoterra (CA) Tel. (OAC): +39 070 71180 248 Fax : +39 070 71180 222 Tel. (UNICA): +39 070 675 4916 _________________________________________________________________ "When the storms are raging around you, stay right where you are" (Freddy Mercury) _________________________________________________________________