Jan Minar wrote:
IMHO, the key words in Richard's posting are ``[not] enough expertise'',
and ``a track record''. The idea that the [conceptual] flaws will be
fixed in The Next Release [TM], although quite common amongst the
people, is a mere instance of a proof by wishful thinking. Clueless
authors will always produce crappy software, regardless of how long
they've been in the business.
It's not about releases, it's about auditing a product before the
authors accually have made their minds up about where the product is
going. Tinc started out as a idea on using the tap device for something
useful. It migrated to a pretty nice vpn solution.
Even linus made some pretty bad coding errors when he started out with
linux, if you want to imply that when software, or a part of it was
once flawed, you shouldn't trust the author ever, you shouldn't use
linux at all.