I've been asked to place a sniffer on a network that handles HIPPA data,
and watch for e-mail containing certain strings. I figured that mailsnarf
would be the best way to do this.


In testing, if I run:

mailsnarf -i eth2 . "tcp" 

I get all email.

If I run

mailsnarf -i eth2 ".*STD.*" "tcp", I get nuttin, even though I send
email containing that string. Any pointers from anyone?


>> Tim Sailer (at home)             ><  Coastal Internet, Inc.          <<
>> Network and Systems Operations   ><  PO Box 726                      <<
>> http://www.buoy.com              ><  Moriches, NY 11955              <<
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     ><  (631)399-2910  (888) 924-3728   
>> <<

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