On 2004.02.02 21:08, Johannes Graumann wrote:

Checksecurity reports this:

> Security Violations for su
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Feb 2 06:33:11 server_name su[16863]: + ??? root:nobody

'tiger' also reports - while performing signature check of system
binaries, that /bin/ping, /usr/bin/chage, /usr/bin/at, /usr/bin/write
and /usr/bin/inetd don not match. This can not be confirmed by aide
(cd-burned database, unsafe binary) or debsums (unsafe binary).


have something similar here:
# Performing signature check of system binaries...
NEW: --WARN-- [sig004w] None of the following versions of /bin/ping
(-rwsr-xr-x) matched the /bin/ping on this machine.
NEW: --WARN-- [sig004w] None of the following versions of /usr/bin/at
(-rwsr-xr-x) matched the /usr/bin/at on this machine.
NEW: --WARN-- [sig004w] None of the following versions of /usr/sbin/ inetd
(-rwxr-xr-x) matched the /usr/sbin/inetd on this machine.
# Checking for correct umask settings...
# Performing common access checks for root...

Considerung this kind of behavior is on two machines now makes me assume this might be another bug with tiger. :-)
BTW, the machine logging this has sid installed.

Moreover, I got these messages:
# Performing check of 'services' ...
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service binkp is assigned to port 24554/tcp which
should be 24554/udp.
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service fido is assigned to port 60179/tcp which
should be 60179/udp.
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service ircd is assigned to port 6667/tcp which should
be 6667/udp.
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service tfido is assigned to port 60177/tcp which
should be 60177/udp.
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service tproxy is assigned to port 8081/tcp which
should be 8081/udp.
OLD: --FAIL-- [inet002f] Service webcache is assigned to port 8080/tcp which
should be 8080/udp.

Is that anything to be worried about? After all, it's just some mappings in /etc/services, or is it? I don't run an ircd (I know of), for instance, and the other ports mentioned here are not shown as open by nmap/netstat.

Best regards,


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