Hi, I have written the following mail to the debian-gnome-gtk mailing list, but I got no answere. I hope that I have more luck at the debian-security list ;)
> I have a really annoying problem with GnuPG and Gnome2/GTK2. I think, > but I'm not sure, that since I have upgraded from Gnome2.2 to Gnome2.4 > (SID) packages, GnuPG is broken. Every GTK2/Gnome2 application that > uses > GnuPG don't work. > I have tested Nautilus, Evolution, Seahorse and GPA. All these > programs > don't recognise my (correct) mantra. (I have also tried to create a > new > key set, but Seahorse and GPA shows only an error message ("General > Error") > If I try gpg from the console, GnuPG works fine. It works also with > Gnome1/GTK1.2 applications (I have tested GnomePGP). > Has anyone an idea how I could solve the problem, or what the reason > could be? > Thanks, Gernot PS.: When answere, please send me an cc because I am not subscribed to the mailing list.