Wednesday 07 January 2004 08:34 dátummal Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von 
Bidder ezt írta:
> Clinging to sanity, LeVA mumbled in his beard:
> > Reason: No appropriate crypto plug-in was found."
> Hi,
> I guess that your problem is NOT idea, but inline gpg signed msgs
> (like this one) versus PGP/MIME signed messages.
Not really. Your messages doesn't produce that "No appropriate crypto 
plug-in was found." message. For your mail, KMail says this:

Message was signed with unknown key 0xE5A7F7D6.
The validity of the signature cannot be verified.

There are some emails, which has an attached *.asc file. For these 
mails, KMail says this:

The message is signed, but the validity of the signature can't be 
Reason: No appropriate crypto plug-in was found.

Any idea?


> There is currently no official gpg-agent and pinentry Debian
> packages, so you'll need to either get some unofficial ones (did
> anybody do any lately? I think Ralf Nolden's packages are not online
> anymore), or compile the software yourself as per [1] (last I tried,
> I had to disable threading on some components. But it's been a while,
> and new releases of most parts are out, so I don't know what the
> current status is).
> Greetings
> -- vbi
> [1]
> --
> Protect your privacy - encrypt your email:


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