Am 02.12.2003 um 02:52 schrieb peace bwitchu:
Will 2.4.20 Source be patched for the latest kernel local root vulnerability?
On SuSE-Security Roman Drahtmüller has posted a workaround which may help as long as there is no patch (haven't try this one on my own). ########################################################### An easy workaround against the brk() issue: Set the address space limit to another value than nothing, even a very high value. Add the line ulimit -v 2147483647 as the second lines of /etc/init.d/rc and /etc/profile, execute the command itself in your shell and then restart all daemons that allow logins (xdm, sshd, inetd/xinetd, ...). Alternatively, simply reboot after adding the lines. (Courtesy of Solar Designer) Thanks for summarizing. Roman ###########################################################