> try to login with 'user' via ftp (using the newly created shadow file),
 ftp deamons usually provide command for creating passwd files, proftpd:
 ftpasswd, muddleftpd: mudpasswd.

> user:$apr1$DlJ9I...$E8VL0rjQKdl1pVgH2q10C.
> user:$1$NR.fOvEF$.hOr7l7msiIfz6sP4l0yS/
 Even with the same tools passwds wont match:
 pokurcz:/tmp# passwd  oracle
 Enter new UNIX password: 
 Retype new UNIX password: 
 passwd: password updated successfully
 pokurcz:/tmp# grep oracle /etc/shadow  
 pokurcz:/tmp# passwd  oracle
 Enter new UNIX password: 
 Retype new UNIX password: 
 passwd: password updated successfully
 pokurcz:/tmp# grep oracle /etc/shadow

 And that was the same password.

> So my question is, that is it possible to create passwords for a shadow 
> file with a command line tool?
 You could use PAM for that - create pam setting with alternative location
for files, and point your passwd to that pam ( /etc/pam.d/passwd ).
 But in general, I'd like to hear the answer to that question.

Dariush Pietrzak,
Key fingerprint = 40D0 9FFB 9939 7320 8294  05E0 BCC7 02C4 75CC 50D9

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