On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 02:27:01PM +0700, Jean Christophe ANDR? wrote:
> What do you have in "/usr/share/doc/ssh/changelog.Debian.gz"?

openssh (1:3.4p1-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Get a security-fixed version into unstable
  * Also tidy README.Debian up a little

 -- Matthew Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:20:59 +0100

openssh (1:3.4p1-1) testing; urgency=high

  * Extend my tendrils back into this package (Closes: #150915, #151098)
  * thanks to the security team for their work
  * no thanks to ISS/Theo de Raadt for their handling of these bugs
  * save old sshd_configs to sshd_config.dpkg-old when auto-generating a
    new one
  * tell/ask the user about PriviledgeSeparation
  * /etc/init.d/ssh run will now create the chroot empty dir if necessary
  * Remove our previous statoverride on /usr/bin/ssh (only for people
    upgrading from a version where we'd put one in ourselves!)
  * Stop slandering Russia, since someone asked so nicely (Closes: #148951)
  * Reduce the sleep time in /etc/init.d/ssh during a restart

 -- Matthew Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Fri, 28 Jun 2002 15:52:10 +0100


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