On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 at 10:02:58AM -0400, Micah Anderson wrote: > This is not a security issue, as far as I can tell. Take a look at > /etc/cron.daily/man-db and see what it does. You will see something > like this: > > # regenerate man database > if [ -x /usr/bin/mandb ]; then > # --pidfile /dev/null so it always starts; mandb isn't really a > # but we want to start it like one. > start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /dev/null \ > --startas /usr/bin/mandb > --oknodo --chuid man \ > -- --no-purge --quiet > fi > > Run this on the command line, as root, without the --quiet option, and > you will see errors that might need to be fixed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# if [ -x /usr/bin/mandb ]; then > # --pidfile /dev/null so it always starts; mandb isn't really a > # but we want to start it like one. > start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /dev/null \ > --startas > /usr/bin/mandb > --oknodo --chuid man \ > -- --no-purge > fi Processing manual pages under /usr/man... Checking for stray cats under /usr/man... Checking for stray cats under /var/cache/man/fsstnd... Processing manual pages under /usr/share/man... Checking for stray cats under /usr/share/man... Checking for stray cats under /var/cache/man... Processing manual pages under /usr/local/man... Checking for stray cats under /usr/local/man... Checking for stray cats under /var/cache/man/oldlocal... Processing manual pages under /usr/X11R6/man... Checking for stray cats under /usr/X11R6/man... Checking for stray cats under /var/cache/man/X11R6... 0 man subdirectories contained newer manual pages. 0 manual pages were added. 0 stray cats were added. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# I believe the bug you decribe was fixed is a subsequent DSA release. -- Phillip Hofmeister PGP/GPG Key: http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/ wget -O - http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/key.txt | gpg --import -- Excuse #19: POSIX compliance problem