----- Forwarded message from Marcel Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Marcel Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Ramsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: debian-security@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Snort exploit in wild.
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David Ramsden wrote:

>Noticed on vil.mcafee.com that a proof of concept exploit for Snort to
>exploit the vuln. found in v1.8 through to 1.9.1.
>Packet Storm Security have this proof of concept on their site (local
>exploit at the moment).
>It uses a call-back technique to spawn a shell on the attackers machine,
>via a connection from the compromised machine.
>I've not tried this on my Debian machines yet, so can't say if it works
>- You'd need the return address for Debian as only Slackware is support
>in this proof of concept.
>What's the status of a patch from Debian Security? No DSA yet either.
>I know this has been brought up a few times already but now an exploit
>exists in the wild.
>As a workaround, I could disable snort (granted) but also, how can I use
>/etc/apt/preferences to update /just/ snort to a non-vuln. version from
>another branch (unstable/testing)? What line do I need in
>/etc/apt/sources.list? And how easy is it to downgrade to the stable
>version if something goes wrong or a patch is released from Debian?
>Thanks for all the help and regards,


Following the advice from heise.de [1] it should be enough to comment 
out the line:

preprocessor stream4_reassemble

in your /etc/snort/snort.conf

as the vulnerability is in this module. Of course you will loose some 
information. But saver is better ;-)




----- End forwarded message -----

 .''`.     David Ramsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    http://portal.hexstream.eu.org/
`. `'`     PGP key ID: 507B379B on wwwkeys.pgp.net
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system.

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