Wednesday, April 16, 2003, 12:59:37 PM, Anne Carasik (Anne) wrote:

Anne> A true VPN is something like IPSec. SSH and SSL only tunnel TCP-based
Anne> traffic (at least that's what they are supposed to do). If you want a 
Anne> true VPN, do not use SSH or SSL.

Anne> IPSec is a good choice, but there are other VPN apps around
Anne> including CIPE, VTUN, and TINC. YMMV..

Anne> Check out "Building Linux VPNs" book by Kolesnikov and Hatch--
Anne> that would be your best best.

Anne> I personally like IPSec because it's fairly standardized, but
Anne> again YMMV :)

The VPN howto shows how to use ssh to make a true VPN.  It involves
ppp, not ssh's port forwarding.  Unfortunately, the howto is very
dated, and it relies on a software package that is very difficult to

| Eddie J Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|]> |
|  AIM: Uncaring Eyes ICQ: 35576339 YHOO: edmcman2   |
|  "We Trills have an expression -- at forty, you    |
|  think you know everything. At four hundred you    |
|  realize you know nothing." - Dax, Startrek DS9    |

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