Thursday, April 3, 2003, 1:44:09 PM, Chris Francy (Chris) wrote:

Chris> This is expected behaviour...  Please see the secion about files with
Chris> multiple extensions on the page

Chris> ---
Chris> If more than one extension is given which maps onto the same type of
Chris> meta-information, then the one to the right will be used. For example,
Chris> if ".gif" maps to the MIME-type image/gif and ".html" maps to the
Chris> MIME-type text/html, then the file welcome.gif.html will be associated
Chris> with the MIME-type "text/html".
Chris> ---

Wouldn't that mean php would NOT parse the file, since it ends in

| Eddie J Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|]> |
|  AIM: Uncaring Eyes ICQ: 35576339 YHOO: edmcman2   |
|  "We Trills have an expression -- at forty, you    |
|  think you know everything. At four hundred you    |
|  realize you know nothing." - Dax, Startrek DS9    |

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