Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2003 00:15 schrieb Timm Gleason: > I have not seen any mention of this on this list. Is the current version > (0.9.6c-2.woody.2) vulnerable to this current RSA issue?
I've mentioned that one yesterday, too. This raised no reaction, probably because the subject "Fwd: [ADVISORY] Timing Attack on OpenSSL" sounds much like the issue in February. (My mail is a forward of Ben Laurie's mail on bugtraq on Monday.) Leppo > > Tuesday, March 18 2003 > -- | When a religion is good, I conceive > Timm Gleason | it will support itself; and when it > | does not support itself, and God does > | not take care to support it so that > Quis custodiet iposos custodes? | its professors are obliged to call > > | for help of the civil power, 'tis a > | sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad > | one. -- Benjamin Franklin > > -----PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK AVAILABLE----- -- "War isn't politics, my dear. It is indeed the only human activity that is rottener than politics." (Rex Stout)