On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 01:11:10AM +0100, Christopher Taylor wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 18:31, Dale Amon wrote:
> >     PKGLIST2="another.deb another2.deb"
> >     for $pkg in $PKGLIST1; do
>                       ^^^^^^^^^ <- I think the problem is right there ;)
> >       dpkg --install $pkg < yes
> >     done

No, that's just "metacode" I wrote up to explain
what I'm doing. The reality is happening within
X hook scripts in pbuilder. I can also reproduce
the problem manually with specific packages that
are ill behaved wrt to de novo builds of base.tgz

The "error" above was just a typo when I "invented"
the above rough explanation of what is going on.

In any case, I'm taking the thread to debian-boot
as that seems to be more appropriate since I got
around the debsigs problem which *was* a relevent
question here.

       IN MY NAME:            Dale Amon, CEO/MD
  No Mushroom clouds over     Islandone Society
    London and New York.      www.islandone.org

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