Steve Hagerman wrote:
Thank You Nathan. Apears I am not the only blind fool LOL
Steve Hagerman
Debian rocks
-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan E Norman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: Peace is not off topic
On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 03:27:20PM +1100, Glenn McGrath wrote:
Your a blind fool.
You're ::= You are
Debian does indeed rock.
There is no other.
While on Debian, I have the opportunity to do a Linux job, it needs to
be DB2 and I need secure transmissions and authentication end to end of
data to the extreame!
Solicitor/lawyer deposits a sensitive document on a "server" and only
select ppl whom that lawyer selects can access or download that
document. It must be secure, auditable and keep lawyers happy!
Please ask Q's from here!
Dont bitch about db2, its a fixed fact, its either that or db2 and
redhat or os2 and db2 so dont bitch (help me/us or go away). Those are
my options ( I have few other constraints). We have the opportunity to
prove Debian here in NZ with 15,000+ lawyers (about all of them), please
give me the grace and help with what I have to use, I'm converting the
dba's from OS2 to Debian Linux).
I need to design a system that meets this critereia in overal terms. It
needs to be as secure as I can make it (hardware ideas welcome),
allowing for non-technical ppl (lawyers) to upload data (audit thier
cock ups or not, IT MUST BE AUTIDABLE END TO END). It must be completely
open and totally auditable so its system(s) can be "guaranteed"without
doubt or at least proved wrong or right within reasonable criteria (if
wrong lets fix it in an open manner for the next round). I can accept
mistakes as long as /weI can identify them amd make sure they dont
appear twice!.
Dont flame me please, I have constraints, I have to work with DB2 (no
other options or I loose his to NT), to an extent I have no $
limitations beyond, totally auditable, single cpu (or 2 if its advisble)
and auditable and I mean auditable (hence open source) beyond that I
must use db2 if I dont have help off Debian then its Redhat and IBM. I
need help with DB2 on Debian, I want to make this work and I want a
showcase for NZ (and the rest of the world), we can as Debian ppl,
display, that will undertake a system undeer a legal microscope. If I
and my team f&^k up Debian Linux takes a hit & I starve (so do they),
its that simple. I need to prove this principal, I know Linux "rocks" I
have no doubt as an engineer in my heart that Linux and specifically in
Debian we can do this, please lets f&*k off MS and Redhat and the rest,
prove we can show case this.
your call ppls, help me or please be quiet (this doesnt mean shut up,
silly ideas broaden our experience and exchmsage! and help us!) .
Steven aka Thing.