From: "Jim Popovitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Peace is not off topic
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 23:03:53 -0500
Can we bring some peace to this list? Please?
-Jim P.
I agree with you,and talking about peace and security, I have one question:
Let say I have 3 computers a, b, c.
a: Has a useless IP address (so far as I know) a 10.ip.add.ress and cannot
connect to any service ecept html.
b: Has a normal IP and is able to serve as telnet server but not ssh.
c: Is a remote host(in whatever place) that have some services running,
among them is ssh.
a and b: Are behind a firewall and in the same network, although b is
physically inaccessible.
c: I need to access c (for whatever reason) while I'm not in front of it.
It is safe to start a telnet session from computer a to computer b, and then
from b start a ssh session and make whichever work I need to do in computer
c while I'm in computer a?
Well, have a nice day, afternoon, or evening (depending the place of the
world you all are located). For me is good night.
"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten programmers and
deluge the hobby market with good software"...Bill Gates 1976...We're still
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