Ted Parvu wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 01:10:29PM -0500, Gary MacDougall wrote:

Maybe you should talk to the family of the 3300 people in the WTC that died because the FBI, CIA or Special Services didn't have or couldn't intercept the many mail, fax and cell phone communications
that went between the cowards that flew planes into the buildings.

You know, I feel safer now than I did on 9-11. The price of freedom is costly.

Hmm, the price of freedom is costly....

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Ben Franklin

Perhaps you would do well to consider that the US military should never
have allowed those planes to hit anything.


Umm, according to that document, the military could *not* take any action against the aircraft. They do have authority to destroy "Derelict Airborne Objects", but the definition of such an object does not include any form of manned craft. The document goes on to specify what assistance the military will provide to civil authorities in "piracy of civil aircraft":

"Military personnel will provide the following types of support: intercept, surveillance, lift, equipment, and communications. Military personnel may not participate in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity. This restriction would include the apprehension of aircraft hijackers or use of military aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter) or other vehicles as platforms for gunfire or the use of other weapons against suspected hijackers."

So it would seem that as of Sept. 11th, 2001 (the order you reference was issued June 1st, 2001), the military could not do anything besides "escort" the planes. Note the specific restriction against the use of weapons against suspected hijackers.

Why don't you google what the standing intercept orders are for aircraft
that stray off course or that lose communications.  Then ask yourself
why only the plane that was headed for the Whitehouse was downed.

The Washington propaganda machine is in full force in this country.  Use
the Net to understand what is really going on here.

Yes, of course the Net is even more reliable than the government propaganda :-)

Granted, there's bound to be plenty of slant from the official line, but keep in mind the fact that any yahoo with a modem can generate a different view that's even less credible.

Let's also take a good look at the reality of the situation. Life isn't a movie, there's a finite time involved to do something as basic as getting an aircraft off the ground, plus transit time to fly from an airbase to intercept the suspect craft. Also, after the cold war ended, we kinda stepped down the alert level at airbases around the US, so I doubt there were any pilots sitting around in a ready room just waiting for a siren to go off, planes might not have been fuled up, planes were most likely not armed, etc.



Rich Puhek
ETN Systems Inc.
2125 1st Ave East
Hibbing MN 55746

tel:   218.262.1130

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