On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 at 02:45:55PM +0200, Ulas B. Baloglu wrote:
> I am using or will use(if i can connect) mysql-front or Access2MySQL_v11 
> to make the conversion, do you know alternate to do it on local host?
> thanks
If you want to jump in the bed with the devil...you could run the MySQL
OBDC Drivers while on a Windows machine, open the Access Database, make
a linked table to the MySQL DB, open the desired source table, click the
corner to select all records, then copy and paste them into the new
(linked) table.


wget -O - http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/key.txt | gpg --import
Excuse #208: All of the packets are empty. 

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