I extract the package "libstdc++2.8_2.90.29-2.deb" (from potato
old_lib) and add the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The uvscan works but when
I analyse a mail with the virus not detected by the old version of
uvscan, I have the same result. It doesn't dectect the virus.
As the virus is a file with extension ".pif", I add a filter in exiscan
to block this type of attachment.
Now, I'll test clamav and send a mail to McAfee to explain this case.
I send a mail to McAfee for the old version of libstdc++
From: Mathieu Laurent
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: uvscan
I try to install uvscan but the libstdc++ used is libstdc++.so.2.6
My Gnu/Linux distribution is debian woody (stable release) and the
default libraries are libstdc++.so.3 & libstdc++.so.3.0.4
Do you have a release of uvscan using these libraries.
Here is the response:
The engine is only compiled with 2.8. There should be a 2.8 compatible
library on the Debian installation media.
Thanks for your help.
Don't forget this weekend with the fosdem - http://www.fosdem.org
J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 11:41:51 +0100, Mathieu Laurent wrote:
My mail servers use exiscan with exim3 on woody. The antivirus scanner is
uvscan from McAfee.
Since the beginning of this week, I see that there are virus not
detected by uvscan (with virus signature file up-to-date). There are a
new version of uvscan on McAfee Website. This release use
That's an _extremely_ old version of the standard C++ library. You could try
lobbying McAffee for a version linked to a libstdc++ from this millenium, or
for a statically linked version.
and the lib in debian is "libstdc++.so.3.x". When I
launch this new version, the program stops because the libstdc++.so.2.8
doesn't exists.
My questions are: How I can install this library without break the
libraries on my servers
You could try installing the "libstdc++2.8" package which is available in
the "oldlibs" section of the "oldstable" distribution (potato).
On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 09:18:00 -0300, Martin Radosta wrote:
just do:
#ln -s libstdc++.so.3.x libstdc++.so.2.8
Don't do that. If you're lucky, the software will crash immediately. If
you're unlucky, it'll have subtle or less subtle problems.
Mathieu Laurent
System Administrator & Software Engineer
n.v. Q W E N T E S s.a.
Rue du Marteau 81 Hamerstraat
B-1000 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32.2.285 05 00
Web: www.qwentes.be
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