* Anne Carasik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This may be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway :)

No problem at all. :-)

> Debian 3.0 uses Snort 1.8.4beta1, and unstable uses 1.9.0.
> Is there a way to define that I only want to use the unstable
> packages just related to snort or do I have to change my entire
> distribution to unstable? Testing distribution has 1.8.7.
> The problem I have is the snort rules are updated for 1.9.0,
> but not for 1.8.4beta1 :(
> Any other suggestions or recommendations are also welcome.

So here is mine:

Forget about apt-pinning and installing original Sid packages on
Woody. You should better use backported versions and what you certainly
want is this link:

,----[ Current version of snort for Woody ]
| <http://debian.fluidsignal.com/dists/woody/updates/main/binary-i386/>

I think I've reached that point where all the things you have to say and hopes
for something more from me are just games to pass the time away. Please stop
loving me, please stop loving me, I am none of these things...

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