On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 09:39:19AM +0100, Sasha Nedvedicky wrote:
> i've noticed, that many other linux distros released a fix of CAN-2002-1377
> (vim modeline vulnerability).
> by http://online.securityfocus.org/bid/6384, it seems, that only few linux
> distributions (excluding Debian) are affected.
> so is it true, that current package of vim in Debian Woody is not affected
> by vim modeline vulnerability ?

The current Debian Woody version of vim is vulnerable.  I have already
produced a fixed package and given it to the Security Team.  When they
are ready (i.e., after they have checked my work), I'm sure that they
will post an advisory.


Luca Filipozzi, Debian Developer
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