Hello debian-security folks,

I'll post my question on this mailing list in the hope to find some
interesting pointers and I'm quite sure someone in here has or has
allready solved my same problems.

Well, I admin different Debian GNU/Linux stable machines on different
networks, each time a new security update comes out from the DSA I actually
update by hand via ssh all the Debian GNU/Linux servers in my network.

So I'm searching for a network wide system update tool for Debian
machines, I'm sure out there something similiar should allready exist,
if not I'm going to write my own script in Perl or BASH.

Thanks for any suggestion,
Have a nice time and fun.


 Ivo Marino                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 UN*X Developer, running Debian GNU/Linux
 irc.FreeNode.net                    #debian
 http://eimbox.org/~eim    http://eimbox.org

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