On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 03:19:17PM -0800, Josh Carroll wrote:
> Having failed to find any information about TCP port 6352 via google or 
> /etc/services, I
> figured I'd ask here. I'm seeing an awful lot of dropped packets on this port 
> recently,
> and I'm curious if anyone else has seen this.  If so, what purpose does TCP 
> port 6352 serve
> (either in the *nix domain or windows if known), and should it be a concern. 
> Below is
> an example of the dropped packets I'm seeing.

I have done some google searching and I believe the culprit might be
gnutella. Take a look at this search (try google's cached files since the
servers are no longer up)


You will see that the listing for many servers/clients in the network are
usually port 6346 [1]. But it seems port 6352 is also used sometimes.



[1] Check the source:
/tmp/jfs/gtk-gnutella-0.91.1$ grep 634 src/*.c
src/gnet_property.c:guint32  listen_port     = 6346;
src/gnet_property.c:guint32  listen_port_def = 6346;

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