Hello people,
Today I installed the gkrellm, and the gkrellmlaunch.so plug-in to
programs using the gkrellm...

I think it's a great alternative (related to easy use) to monitor and
manager remote servers...

I intalled in some not-so critical servers on my network and I liked it

I exported the diplay from one workstation and from there I have my
mysql, ssh, ftp sessions, I can see the file systems, the processors,
temperature, even memory, emails sent to the root...

With the gkrellmlaunch.so plug-in I can initiate a xterm and have direct
access to the server root... I can restart the server itself, restart

I thought about the following idea:                                             
to install gkrellm and xterm in all the servers (altogether with 15 to
packages from them) and to export the display of the servers, to a
display" in the same net, and then to export the display of this "server        
display" through a tunniling ssh to a station here in the office...             
And to abuse the physical security in the office and xlock                      
My doubt: there is enough security to make this, or not...                      
Bueno, Felippe

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