The SmartFTP windows client support ftp over ssl and is free for personal,
educational or non-comercial use. Its available for download at :
Its my favourite windows ftp client since i discover it, very pretty and
Xavier Santolaria writes:
On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 03:38:22AM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> why not use sftp(1) ?
Why not use scp, optionally with the various graphical front-ends that
exist on the client side? All known options for various OSes are
included here: http://linuxmafia.com/pub/linux/security/ssh-clients
(It's a great deal more universally supported than is sftp.)
Because sftp(1) understands a set of commands similar to those of ftp(1).
It may also use many features of ssh.
I think it's easier for him.
just my 2 cents.
Xavier Santolaria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alldas.org IT-Security Information Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
perl -we '$|=1;print 1;@a=qw(\ | / -);while(){for($i=0;$i<@a;$i++)
{print"\b$a[$i]";select undef,undef,undef,.1}}print"\n"'