Steve Meyer grabbed a keyboard and typed...
> I have an old 486 without a cdrom in it.  If I pull the hard drive and 
> stick it in another machine to perform the install will this work?  And if 
> it does work will it make the system any less secure?

Since it's Debian, you don't need to stick it in a separate machine.
Just get enough floppies and do the install over a network :)

The only way this would be insecure is if someone broke into the
machine you're installing from and you copied over bad files.

              .-"".__."``".   Anne Carasik, System Administrator
 .-.--. _...' (/)   (/)   ``'   gator at cacr dot caltech dot edu 
(O/ O) \-'      ` -="""=.    ',  Center for Advanced Computing Research    

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