Fredag 4. oktober 2002 13:03 skreiv Glen Tapley:
> Hello
> I have been having a lot of trouble with my sendmail setup, someone
> is using my system. I have found that when I run the last cmd,

You're really not making much sense.  

What kind of trouble with your sendmail setup?

'Someone' as in someone unknown?  And, how have you discovered that 
they use your system?  Or is that the result of confusion from the 
output of the 'last' command?

> I find a lot of strange entries such as
> ftp      ftp          p50852BD8.dip.t- Sun Oct  6 03:57 - 03:57 
> (00:00) ftp      ftp          p508ECDDA.dip.t- Sun Oct  6 03:37 -
> 03:37  (00:00) ftp      ftp     Sat Oct  5
> 23:16 - 23:16  (00:00) ftp      ftp     Sat
> Oct  5 18:40 - 18:40  (00:00)

Someone has tried to log in, on your ftp server, as user 'ftp'.  i 
don't see why this should be a problem for you.  

This does not mean that someone has abused your system.  It _can_ mean 
that someone has abused it, but not necessarily.

> Can anyone tell me what these are, are they the result of programs
> accessing my TCP/IP addresses?

You seem to be quite confused about a lot of different things.  You're 
confusing sendmail, 'last', use of your system, and probably rejected 
connection attempts.  In addition, you seem not to understand what 
TCP/IP is. :-)

This probably is not the answer you're looking for in this case, but as 
I can't discern what your problem is, I recomend that you buy a book 
called "Running Linux", and read through it to understand the basics 
of Linux.  Then I recomend that you read through some book on TCP/IP 
to understand how networks work.  I don't have a specific book to 
recomend there.. maybe just do a search on google for "tcp/ip faq" or 

I'm sorry for the probably arrogant and pissy sounding answer, but you 
really don't make much sense, and I think you really _should_ read up 
on the mentioned subjects.  Its quite interesting :)

Rune Kristian Viken

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