(I think this really belongs on -user, so CC, full-quote, and reply-to)

On Mon, 05 Aug 2002 18:12:57 CDT, "Daniel J. Rychlik" writes:
>I have recently installed the kuvert application from debian.  I'm
>running Debian testing on a 2.4 kernel.  When I run the kuvert
>application from command line, I get this error -
>Sh: /tmp/kuvert.0.26244/subprocess: No such file or directory
>Cant clean /tmp/kuvert.0.26244: cant opedir/tmpkuver.0.26244: No such
>file or directory.
>Any Ideas?

I guess the permissions on your /tmp-directory are off, should be 
 something like
drwxrwxrwt    8 root     root         2048 Aug  6 11:17 tmp

Also, which version of kuvert are you using?

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