Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was just wondering if anyone else is getting this kind of mail delivery
> errors from debian-security, although the mails still go through. I've
> been getting at least three of these already:
> | Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 14:10:00 +0300
> | Subject: Mail Delivery Error
> | To: Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |
> | No such user: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> And I'm very much sure, that all of my mails I've sent to
> debian-security@lists.debian.org - so, something's broken in
> lists.debian.org end? Or am I alone with this problem?

I don't think I've ever managed to post a mail on debian-security without
getting at least 3-4 bounces or misconfigured `vacation's.

The above could equally well be someone using a tracking or filtering email
address for traffic from the group, not necessarily a misconfiguration of
the list server - see above, I collapse all my "related to debian" traffic
into a specific userid @ domain.



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