On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 08:54:17AM +0900, Howland, Curtis wrote:
> I can't upgrade, it would require restarting and that would blow my
> record on necraft.com

Why would you need to restart?  Today I wanted to upgrade a busy server
(busy with apache & proftp).  I put apache & proftp on hold in
/var/lib/dpkg/status, then ran apt-get update && apt-get -u
dist-upgrade.  No problem, no downtime.  I'll get around to upgrading
apache & proftp when activity is a bit lower, but aside from those two
packages I've upgraded the whole system with 0 downtime.  (well, maybe a
second or two while the services restarted due to the libc6 upgrade...)
But a reboot certainly wasn't required.


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